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Shipping containers form the perfect basis for flexible and professional hospitality spaces, such as a pop up bar and a flexible sales unit. The hospitality containers of Caribbean Container Solutions offer lots of space and have a fantastic image, and ensure optimal protection from weather influences.

Optimal image

With a container bar or sales unit, your company distinguishes itself optimally from other bars and sales points on a beach, food court or event site. The container has a cool industrial look and, if so desired, it can be fully adapted to your corporate identity for optimal branding.

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Fully decorated

The hospitality containers of Caribbean Container Solutions are abundantly decorated in a standard style with all the necessary facilities for a proper and safe sale of your products. Besides, we can complement the decoration even further on the basis of your wishes. 

Low maintenance

You will not be looking forward to the maintenance, as we understand all too well at Caribbean Container Solutions. Therefore, our container bar and sales unit are low maintenance. We ensure a perfect preservation of the steel and use solid materials for the finishing and decoration. 

Very fast delivery and installing

Caribbean Container Solutions keeps large stocks, has several production locations and forms part of a strong collaborative group in international transport and logistics. This enables us to deliver your container bar or sales unit exceptionally fast. 

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